Artist Researcher Teacher
my phd project
Research interest
In a large number of knowledge-fields images, sketches and models are important to explore and develop understanding on various abstract and elusive phenomena such as spaciousness, relations or the shape of a thought.
I´m enquiring art teacher students’ spatial investigations on theories and ideas by analyzing their materializing processes of modeling and sketching theories, concepts and abstractions they deal with in their studies. Processes I, through an agential realistic ethico-onto-epistemology, have come to define as material-spatial articulations.
Material-spatial articulations increase our possibility to understand hyper-objects as ecosystems and time. It also develops our ability to transform and understand complex information. However, studies have shown that such investigations are overlooked by the university world, which more often rewards alphanumeric literacy, both in course literature and as part of the learning processes.
My study aims to develop current understanding of what non-human matter do as part of students’ processes of knowing.
A post-qualitative approach
In Barad’s agential realism, practices of knowing are presented as closely intertwined events between time, space, matter and ideas and can be found in both human and non-human becoming’s. Fundamental to agential realism is that materiality not is something either given or created through human activity, all matter is active in all types of materializations. These kinds of ideas have historically been formulated by several educational philosophers, for example by Vygotsky in his activity theory. In activity theory tools are described as influencing their users rather than the opposite and similar perspectives are used by several other scholars. In my study this means that material is not only defined as the art-materials but all the bodies, both non-human and human, that is part of the phenomenon. Also, sound such as speech, rustle and scrabble, and the texts are considered as mattering.
By this post-qualitative methodology, I am aiming to develop understandings of some material-discursive aspects that’s part of the material-spatial practice, and how those move, intra-acts and produce each other. Through a pre-study, I have identified six aspects that will be departure for the main study and its analyses.